
Hey, I'm Mel The Oracle

Hello there! I'm Mel, known as Mel The Oracle! I went on a business sabbatical in March 2022 and have since exited Instagram as well. As I slowly re-emerge, rebuild and recreate a website, I am also re-devoting my energy towards returning to my roots of vulnerably modeling humanness, teaching by living, reminding you to invite all dimensions of yourself to the table & building intimate community around humanness. Join my weekly love note, Teaching By Living, or tap into the links below to get more intimate with me! >>>>>>>>>> "I love opening and reading your emails because they help me slow down. I notice I breathe a little slower when I read your messages. You are giving me space to direct my attention inward." - A.A "There are so few places online to experience the level of genuine care, thoughtfulness and compassion that your newsletter offers. That is why I open them week after week." - D.S "You dive into topics that make me do deep dives and remind me its okay to be different. Thank you for holding space." - K.S

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this love note is for the men

[ 6 min read ] Hey there Reader, If you do not identify as a man, this is still a note for you to read. And honestly, once you read it, if there are men in your life that may need to read this....send and share it with them. Last week, a conversation erupted in the Inner Circle community about the last episode of my podcast. And a woman in the community, an elder, stated that she sometimes finds she compares herself to everyone else in the community because of the age difference. She often...

[ 5 min read ] Good Wednesday Reader, So last week's note.....brought up a lot for folks. Not only did I receive a TON of responses, but many of those responses were paragraphs long of processing what it brought forth, how they want to be better members in their communities and simply being grateful for getting a moment to call themselves on their bullshit. I thought for sure I would have a grand amount of unsubscribes...but only one person left. I'm honored that you've chosen to stick with...

[ 4 min read ] Hey Reader, Check in... Take a deep breath, in through your nose, from the deepest part of your belly. Don't skip this...breathe. How's your breath? How's your heart? How's your spirit? I had an observation this week. A select few of my friends and I always make the joke that "we chose this shit", when talking about the human experience. We know that we are all Spirit beings having a human experience; this is essentially Earth school for Spirits who have a desire to evolve and...

[ 4 min read ] Reader, Do you keep the memories of yourself safe? Lemme explain what I mean. Back in 2016 when I called myself a Conscious Lifestyle Coach (that makes me cringe now lol) I had these 9 Keys that I would speak on. Key number 5 was "Keep Your Memories Safe", which entailed being inspired by who you've been, what you've created and what you have done on your journey. I encouraged people to read old poems, papers, essays, journal entries or look at old pictures and allow themselves...

[ 9 min read ] So look Reader, today I'm going to share a story with you. It's a bit long and gets a tad heavy, but hey, this is my safe space... I can do what I want lol. But also, there's a point to me sharing this in the end. As I am typing this, I am in the middle of a third listen to a playlist I made over the summer called For The Moon In Pisces: A Sunset vibe. I had been hesitant to listen to this playlist for a couple months, because it was playing on the night in October I thought I...

[ 4 min read ] Happy Solstice Reader! The seasons have officially shifted and the winter solstice ushers in the winter season (obvi). This time is also known as "The first light" or "The returning of the light". Because although today is the shortest day of the year and there are more waking hours of darkness than light, from this day forward, our waking hours in light increases and begins to prevail over our waking hours in the dark. So although winter is often associated with darkness,...