
Hey, I'm Mel The Oracle

Hey love, I acknowledge your humanness 🙏🏾

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

[ 4 min read ]

Hey Reader,

Check in...

Take a deep breath, in through your nose, from the deepest part of your belly. Don't skip this...breathe.

How's your breath? How's your heart? How's your spirit?

I had an observation this week. A select few of my friends and I always make the joke that "we chose this shit", when talking about the human experience. We know that we are all Spirit beings having a human experience; this is essentially Earth school for Spirits who have a desire to evolve and help the collective evolve as well. And the kicker is, we chose to come here....we selected ourselves.

So when me and my friends make that joke, we are also acknowledging that even though humanhood feels like a shit show some days. Even though it feels messy, heavy and exhausting, we know we chose to be here. So whatever we are meant to experience, we continue to show up, find the lessons, find the beauty and lean on each other in the process.

So today, I want to acknowledge you....

For the days you get out of bed and go out into the world, once again, even though the weight of this experience sometimes feels so great that all you want to do is burrow under your sheets and never come out

For smiling and laughing even after experiencing some of the most difficult shit, over your lifetime so far

For offering your energy and kind words when you see pain in someone else's eyes, even if you are also experiencing pain yourself

For still choosing to find the beauty

For keeping your heart soft and open, even after it has been broken, time and time again

For surviving the most indescribable grief in specific phases of your life

For being vulnerable, even when your past experiences try to convince you it isn't safe

For all the times you thought giving up might be easier, but you kept going anyway

For enduring the weight of this human experience with grace, trust and resilience

I acknowledge your humanness.

As a collective, we are so far away from remembering how much it actually takes just to navigate day to day life. That in itself is our first full time job, that doesn't end until we transition. So before our achievements, our goals, our successes, our social or monetary status, our roles at work, in our families and friendships are acknowledged - we must remember to acknowledge the human, first. First ourselves, then the other humans that we crash into that keep us grounded, feeling seen, connected and that walk with us, on your journey back home.

This is your reminder.

I share more of my thoughts on the spirit and purpose of relationships in today's new podcast episode. There is actually an extremely special clip in the episode where my friend and brother, Lyndon, shares his gratitude for our connection that beautifully displays the exact dynamic I just mentioned above regarding acknowledging the humans in your life that walk with you, in the most meaningful ways.

Check out the episode if it feels good.

And before I go, I want to leave you with this short poem. It is one of the many poems in my moon journal called We'Moon. It's called "Nectar":

We are unprotected

here in the mottled world,

where darkness veins the light

and everything we love

is on its way to becoming

everything we lose,

ceaseless metamorphosis

turns inside us and around us

until we're dizzy with the frenzy

of being here,


Meanwhile, outside

the hummingbird

skims the air

with her piston

of desire

Her clear want for nectar

breaks my doubtful heart


I remember something

from when I was still just light

When I was looking

into this world

from the one outside of it,

looking down, listening,

I remember hearing laughter

and wanting that new nectar,

yes, even with so much being ripped

from us, yes, even with all the pain of endings

I remember: the world is what I wanted.

Sending my love,

Mel xx

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Check out the things I've loved this week

Things I've loved this week

~ Watching the show The Parent Test. I love watching shows that ignite real life conversations about navigating the human experience. This show has sparked so many good dialogues between my parents and I. Check it out.

~ Reading with this Jazz in the Background playlist playing. P.S. Lemme Read To You is a private audio experience I am sharing with those who join my Discord community in the Spring. I read passages to you from books I have read and recommend, with jazz playing in the background....such a soothing experience. Stay tuned for that!!!!

Wanna chat about the note I sent today? Send me a voice note! or hit reply!

>> 🎙️ Listen to the Podcast: Full Ass Human Podcast

>> 🎧 Vibe with my 60+ playlists on Spotify: Mel The Oracle

>> Breathe with me on Insight Timer: Mel the Oracle

>> 🔗 Visit my Linktree for all the things: Linktree

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Hey, I'm Mel The Oracle

Hello there! I'm Mel, known as Mel The Oracle! I went on a business sabbatical in March 2022 and have since exited Instagram as well. As I slowly re-emerge, rebuild and recreate a website, I am also re-devoting my energy towards returning to my roots of vulnerably modeling humanness, teaching by living, reminding you to invite all dimensions of yourself to the table & building intimate community around humanness. Join my weekly love note, Teaching By Living, or tap into the links below to get more intimate with me! >>>>>>>>>> "I love opening and reading your emails because they help me slow down. I notice I breathe a little slower when I read your messages. You are giving me space to direct my attention inward." - A.A "There are so few places online to experience the level of genuine care, thoughtfulness and compassion that your newsletter offers. That is why I open them week after week." - D.S "You dive into topics that make me do deep dives and remind me its okay to be different. Thank you for holding space." - K.S

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